Hacktoberfest 2020

It's been another year since our last post, how things have changed in recent times.

Anyway, Hacktoberfest is back for the eighth year to encourage cross-project participation. DigitalOcean wants you to register for Hacktoberfest (no purchase required) then open five pull requests to public repositories on GitHub.

So send some pull requests and get yourself a free t-shirt!

Get your feet wet with open source and git; once you see how easy it is you’ll probably come back for more. And you’ll get a nice Hacktoberfest t-shirt.

Other companies have their own swag to add to your haul when you contribute to their projects though so be sure to check that out.

We haven't offered any swag again this year as we've still not much open for contribution at the moment and the whole COVID-19 Pandemic hasn't helped us.

Our very own Paul Massey is participating in Hacktoberfest again this year.


As true believers in open source, Scriptwerx is dedicated to open up our work and contribute to other projects when appropriate.

Be sure to track our opensource tag for updates.